Canvas may be the choice for dance classes, but for stage performances, attire matters and that’s where character shoes come in. They are available in a range of styles, colours, heel sizes and materials. The type of dance shoes you choose will affect your balance, posture and movement, so ultimately, the right character shoe will affect your performance. No matter whether you do tap dance, modern, jazz, contemporary or ballroom. Fortunately, the ranges are so wide that finding your favourite style is a breeze. Character shoes are available in canvas, leather and synthetic materials. The fastenings can be elasticated, buckle fastening, or button fastening. Heel sizes range from low, flat and cuban to various heel lengths. Browse our collection of character shoes and find a style that works for you.
EzeefitskinsTM are considerably softer and have much more stretch. They also has a microfiber interior (logo goes on the outside) which feels like silk against your skin. The new Skins material also provides a bit more padding than our current Ultrathin material, yet takes up no more room. The light gray color disappears under a sock.
The 2″ heel version of So Danca’s character shoes. The incredible comfort of these shoes means that once you’ve tried them on there is no turning back!
Ideal for dancers who find their socks slipping down during practice or competitions. Sock glue is a gentle roll-on body adhesive that washes off with water, leaving no stain. It is useful in any situation where clothing needs to be held in place, whether that’s bra straps, strapless dresses or theatrical costumes.
Canvas character shoes, This shoe has a cuban heel, which is suitable for examination Grades 4 – 8. It also features a pink elastic strap, with button fastening
Canvas character shoes,. This shoe has a low heel, which is suitable for examination Grades 1 – 3. It also features a pink elastic strap, with button fastening.